Australia’s hyper-competitive $23 billion legal industry is served by 76,773 lawyers, only a small percentage of whom are partners at law firms. Nevertheless, movement within this cohort has an out-sized effect on the shape and client base of law firms as they jockey for position with clients. Whether in search of growth or as a defensive response to partner defections, firms make significant investments to acquire partners in specific practice areas and/or geographies that reflect changing market conditions.
Alpha Creates tracks the movements of partners between firms each financial year. In a human capital-intensive market such as FY19 was, assessing partner moves sheds light on which firms are acquiring partners in order to compete for market share.
Our FY19 Partner Move report is below. Navigate by clicking the forward and back arrows.
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Reach out to Eric or Graeme to discuss how we can help you unlock insights in your data! (Click our photos to email us)